Angel Message for Aug 19 – 25, 2019
Angelic Guidance for August 19 – 25, 2019
Angel Nashella
Ponder and Grow
This is still a week to gain new insight into yourself, your life and what you need to experience peace and joy. It is a time to commit to yourself wholeheartedly. Rest when you need to rest and use this time to reflect and grow in wisdom. But, energy levels will fluctuate greatly, so use your active time to generate new ideas and put effort into current projects.
Use your mental energy positively to create and to also let go of old beliefs that drag you down. It is definitely time to start functioning on a higher level of awareness of the self and your surroundings.
Allow time to be with family, community and enjoy the support you receive from others. You may need trust and to jump into something you desire and believe in and you may need courage to let go of something where the obstacles are guiding you in a new direction. Cut with that which does not manifest naturally and surrender to the new path that opens up.
And more than anything, ask to believe in the impossible again. Miracles and breakthroughs are on the horizon. Do as much as you can to uplift your spirit and to get you in a positive mindset. Meditation, yoga, dancing, laughing and sheer enjoyment of what is will open the door for you.
Blessings beloveds