Angel Message for Aug 26-30, 2019
Angelic Guidance for August 26 – 30, 2019
Angel Henna
This beautiful angel was painted by a dear friend, Ina Pfeiffer. Angel Henna comes to remind us that the world we live in does not only consist of pain, suffering and survival. We are also surrounded by beauty, joy and abundance.
This week you need to reevaluate what the word abundance entails for you. How can you redefine it to believe in more for yourself. Abundance includes everything that is available to us that assists us to live, breathe and experience life to the fullest. Abundance includes love, joy, food, time, energy, health, wealth, support, etc.
What kind of abundance do you struggle to believe in? What do you feel is not available to you? This is a week where you need to challenge your own limiting beliefs and pray for that which you feel you lack. Ask the angels to show you that it is available and to help you overcome your mental or emotional block. Ask to be shown how your thoughts, words and actions are not in harmony with allowing abundance into your life.
If you need a visualization or meditation to assist you in transforming this in your life, please write to me at
This week will still be one of extreme ups and downs, but you can make the most of it by focusing on what you can create with the energy that you do have.
Be blessed and be good to yourself.
Love always
Belinda Bras-Nel