Angel Message for July 8-14, 2019
Angelic Guidance for July 8 – 14, 2019
Angel Naiya

This beautiful angel was created by Sita du Toit. She inspires us to take time in deep thought and introspection in order to gain renewed wisdom into the true self and how to make decisions accordingly.
We are finding ourselves in the space between two eclipses. (2 and 16 July) We need to be disciplined about creating change surrounding some of our commitments and truths that we have realized during the new moon/eclipse on the 2nd of July. It is a good time to create positive change towards clearing out the old in order to create room for the new.
Clearing is needed. Our bodies are showing us what needs attention and love. Time to commit to health and follow through on commitments regarding your eating, exercise and meditation practices. Keep asking the angels for support and guidance. We are able to stay strong and commit to ourselves like never before. But, if you do not make this decision with your mind so that it is a mind change as well, you are going to keep falling into a pattern of excuses.
Friction is at the order of the day. We need to gain wisdom from everything that still rubs us the wrong way. You may feel the victim of life and society and find yourself being overwhelmed with all that you need to do. This is a time to simplify to that which you are capable of and surrender the rest by trusting in what is.
Spirit can no longer wait for those who find an excuse not to care for the self and take responsibility for their life and habits. It is time to become conscious.
Belinda Bras-Nel