Angel Message for October 1-6, 2019
Angelic Guidance for October 1-6, 2019
Angel Laifa
I painted this picture last year. To me it is a beautiful portrayal of trust and surrender. And awe is at the basis of surrendering. When you are in awe of what is around you, you trust in a higher power to take care of you. We are still in the process of surrendering and trusting in an outcome that we cannot make happen.
Angel Laifa is also asking you to be in awe of yourself, your own growth and accomplishments, so that you can build on that. Be conscious this week of what truly inspires you and put belief into that. Be creative in your thinking, planning and creating.
Face your fears and admit to yourself what is really holding you back. What is your doubts? What do you see standing between you and your dreams? Ask the angels to help you to see that those are old belief systems and that you do not need to believe in the obstacles anymore.
Allow support and if you feel inspired to be supportive to someone, if you feel you have enough time and energy, reach out. Be aware of who is on your mind and make the connection. be careful of dictating where your support should come from. Surrender and trust that the right people will be available to you.
Look at what arrives out of its own this week and trust that that is where your focus and energy needs to be. Trust in your own guidance and the support from Spirit. Keep yourself open and positive in order to receive.
This energy update is also in a video on YouTube