Angel Message for October 7-13, 2019
Angelic Guidance for October 7-13, 2019
Angel Nashella
Ponder and Grow
The energies of this week might be challenging within close relationships. You might be triggered into revisiting old hurts and confronting your own emotions. Ask yourself if this is still true within this relationship now, and if it isn’t, make a conscious decision to change your mind about the past. Not for anybody else’s sake, but yours. You need to choose YOU. And you hurt yourself by falling back into old patterns of hurt, rejection and fear.
If this pain is still part of your relationship now, you are being made aware of changes that you need to make to start creating a life of your choosing. Whatever path you choose now, will determine your happiness and freedom. Choose joy.
There will be good days with good news and there will be sad days filled with a sense of loss. Keep focusing on putting up strong, healthy and loving boundaries to protect yourself from unnecessary turmoil. Your comfort zone may be shaken this week. Nurture yourself in a way that will help you adjust to the changes and be open to see the positive side of it.
Be aware of projection, truth that hurts and that might be difficult to integrate, negative reactions and judgment. Do as much cleansing, meditation and all that helps you to relax, in order to keep calm and balanced this week. Creativity is still our saving grace.
On the full moon, celebrate your talents and who you are in the world right now. Stop rejecting yourself and write the new story with the true you as the main character.
Archangel Michael is guiding us at this time to make positive decisions for ourselves and our lives. You can listen to the latest free meditation on the Soundcloud App to integrate this assistance into your daily life.