Angel Message for Sept 1-7, 2019
Angelic Guidance for September 1-7, 2019
Angel Krunya
We are experiencing a time of chaos and confusion. It is very easy to buy into it and to allow yourself to be carried away by the flood or the need to escape. It is possible, however, to find the balance and to create a space of peace in which to go about doing what you need to do.
Last week’s new moon brought us inspiration and new ideas and this week may make you doubt that you have the time and energy. It is very important that you commit to yourself this week in order to ride out the storm. Stay centered in what you have decided for yourself and what you want to commit to. Do not focus on the obstacles. We can all claim not to have the time, resources or energy. But, this is where you become the creator and decide to view things differently.
Put boundaries on your time and limit the energy that you share with others this week. You can still show them that you are present and supportive, without allowing yourself to be drained.
Commit to projects that make you feel excited about what you are creating. Especially if they involve committing to yourself. It is a week to focus on healing and how to nurture and support your body in order to bring health and well-being into your reality.
Spend lots of time being creative and believe in miracles colliding with your reality. This painting is still available. Contact me if you are interested.
Have a blessed week beloveds.