Angel Message for September 23-30, 2019
Angelic Guidance for September 23 – 30, 2019
Angel Rachel
Good News
This week brings us the opportunity to recommit to all that is really important to us. This card brings the message that great things are possible this week.
Our energy levels are up and down and the turmoil in the world may leave you feeling exhausted, so simplify. Pull yourself back into your own world and do only what is in front of you at that moment, or what is really necessary. Preserve your energy for the actions that you need to take in order to keep creating your highest potential.
This, however, needs to be balanced with trust and allowing. Trust will assist you in getting out of the way so Spirit can help you manifest in harmony with the right timing, the right people and the right opportunities. Trust in the flow of life. Meditate on being open to allow the best outcome and surrendering control.
Be very aware of where you are still not fully committed. If you do not feel completely excited or willing, you might still have doubts as to whether something can be realized. The universe needs to be sure of your intentions and that you are committing from a space of complete dedication. Brave actions will be rewarded.
Honour the equinox and the changes that need to happen within you and also in your space. Let go of something and commit to something new. Even if it is a habit, a pattern or clutter. Change something within, so you can see and perceive life differently. Small changes will make a big difference in how you create your world.
Keep believing more for yourself and enjoy an amazing week.
Be blessed.
Artist: Leigh-ann Rowe Vermaak