Angel Message for September 9-15, 2019
Angelic Guidance for September 9-15, 2019

Angel Samuel
Look towards your Goal
This is still a week to commit to yourself first and put energy into that which makes you feel fulfilled. Look at where you need to put up stronger boundaries or let things wait, especially with people taking advantage of your time and energy. This is not the time to feel guilty about putting yourself first. You are not there to save anyone, you can help and support when you are in the space to give with pure intent.
Pay attention to when you might get scared and feel anxious about moving forward. Keep focusing on moving forward for yourself and your own joy that you will create by taking actions that are in line with the goal that you are focusing on. Find joy in the actions, as if they are rewards that you grant yourself.
Take enough time out in between to retreat into the self and what is important to you. Then take action towards projects that take you closer to your goal. This goal can be anything that you wish to live and create in your own life, like being a writer or to inspire people. Maybe you want to help animals and you have an awesome new idea. This is the week to put time and energy into those ideas and trust that the other people can wait.
Make little changes in your life and habits that will make a great impact on a higher level.
Be good to yourself