Angelic Guidance for June 10 – 16, 2018
Angelic Guidance for June 10 – 16, 2018
Angel Patience
This beautiful image was created by artist Terry Stephens Horn. Angel Patience comes to guide us this week, because it is a powerful week energetically to receive wisdom and insight into our selves.
We are being supported in understanding our deepest hurts and belief systems that we have created throughout our lives, that supports our feelings of self-judgement, feeling unloved and not good enough.
We are being given the option to make a conscious decision to support and love ourselves. Become aware of all the habits in your life with which you punish your physical and your emotional body. When you make a conscious decision to invest in caring for the self, the angels will guide you towards people, opportunities and products that will promote well-being, health and peace in your life.
This is also a time of discipline. Start with new, healthy habits. Focus on what you need and whether you believe that you may have that in your life. Make conscious choices towards change to allow support and to experience joy.
You also need to be disciplined about what needs to go and to start eliminating it from your life. Keep focusing on raising the quality of your life experience and have a positive perception about the changes that need to occur.
You are unfolding as a complete being and all aspects of yourself : physical, emotional, spiritual and mental needs to be in harmony with each other and every level needs to be supported by new, healthy habits. Keep your mind aligned with trust and away from fear and desperation.
Be good to yourself.
Much love and blessings