Angelic Guidance for May 27 – June 2, 2019
Angel Anthina
This angel was created by artist Addi Longley-Taylor. Angel Athina comes to us this week to help us explore all levels of the concept of hope. Hope is very difficult to define and may hold different meanings for different people. How do you define hope? Do you maybe need to redefine hope for yourself?
Hope can be the belief and trust in all that is good. It can inspire us to believe in our dreams and to trust in something greater than ourselves, that guides us all. How can you be the embodiment of hope this week? For yourself and also for people who cross your path. Can you inspire someone else to believe in the goodness of others? To see the beauty in a chaotic world?
This is a week where it is important to keep a “no-mind” attitude. Don’t overthink too much. Be okay with not having all the answers or to understand everything. Surrender to the space in between where you can be free of the rat-race. The rat-race keeps us occupied with having to do more, be more and achieve more. But does it bring you joy and peace?
This morning, one of my cats asked me: “Why are you so caught up in the rat-race? Be a cat. Wait for it to come to you.” I had to laugh. She had caught me out. And she hammered the nail right on the head. Surrendering and releasing is key. Catch yourself when your mind goes into overdrive and make sure you do things that quiet the mind, like meditation, walking, painting, etc. Talk to God and Spirit, that always works to keep me present.
May you have a “quiet mind” week and experience the peace that comes with the freedom of not needing to know.
Blessings beloveds