Angelic Guidance for Oct 23-29, 2017
Angelic Guidance for October 23-29, 2017
Angel Hanea
“Look into the confusion. There is more to the situation.”
The theme for this week is: DON’T JUDGE WHAT IS.
A certain picture is busy unfolding, but it is not the full picture yet. This week is preparation time. Get your ducks in a row and do what you need to do this week. Do not judge what you can see now and do not freak out by what is showing up, because the unfolding is still taking place.
Take lots of time to be aware of yourself and your reactions. Is anything showing up that pushes old buttons? This is the time to face it and to show the universe that you are ready to shift this. Stand up and do what you need to do. Be braver than ever before and see this through.
Changing your belief systems and your vibration now, will open up a level of existence that you have not experienced before. Just because it cannot be seen right now, doesn’t mean that it is not available.
Your own inner stability, that you have worked so hard to create, will see you through. In being authentic and true to your essence, new experiences are showing up. Even when you feel that external factors are out of control, you will be able to navigate your way forward.
Be good to yourself and put lots of intentions into having time for your creative side. A new you is ready to enter into this world.