In order to live nearer to God you have to try to make a connection with God everyday. When you start living your life according to God’s plan you will realize that you are playing an important role in God’s creation. Prayer doesn’t need to be a one-way communication process, you can get messages from God on a regular basis. Angels are created by God and are placed next to us so that they can show us what to do and where to go. You just have to make some time to listen to God’s voice. This meditation will help you to understand how you are playing an important role in God’s creation and what you need to do to live closer to Him.
God decided in his all mightiness to give an angel to each person. This angel plays a role of a messenger between us and God. They are not separate from God they are part of His creation. They take our questions to God and bring His answers back to us. This meditation is there for you to practice to come in touch with your angels. The more you practice the clearer you will see and feel God’s guidance.
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