Totem for November 2019

TOTEM ANIMAL for November, 2019
The Grasshopper
Uncanny Leaps forward.
When I asked Spirit to show me which animal’s characteristics will guide us through the month of November, I saw a teeny grasshopper with huge legs in my garden. It seemed as if the body still had to grow into the legs. It had very long antennae and looked quite odd.
While I was studying this tiny insect, Archangel Michael explained to me, that in November we find ourselves in the same state as this odd young grasshopper. We have just been reborn and starting our new life story. This was also a very green little insect and Michael said that it symbolized the potential of new growth, like the fresh leaves on the trees after the rain has washed everything clean.
Like this grasshopper, we are still young and new to this new life that we are creating now. But, symbolized by his huge legs, Spirit is giving us all we need to make a huge leap towards a joyful phase in our lives.
The long antennae symbolize our connection to Spirit and how very in tune we are right now to receive deep insights into what we need and what we need to change. As we grow and shed the old skin constantly, we can still make changes to our old habits and ways of reacting, that brings more destruction than joy to our lives.
The grasshopper is very active and eat lots to nourish and nurture itself. Put in the effort this month to see things through to completion, but balance it with fun and lots of self-love. Do not be judgmental and harsh with yourself. This is a vulnerable time where you need to be your own best friend and also allow amazing new friends, partnerships and blessings to enter.
Thank you all who already subscribed to my YouTube channel. I love you all dearly.
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